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The latest data on physician dispensing from WCRI

Wcri’s experts summarized their latest research in doc dispensing in the second presentation.

A couple quick takeaways.

First, the efforts to control the price of the repackaged drugs dispensed by physicians has failed as the dispensers have effectively circumvented the rules or statute by creating “new” drugs that are remarkably similar to current medications.

this is particularly problematic in IL and CA.

Second, physicians in Florida were apparently prescribing and dispensing opioids more often than necessary as they stopped prescribing these meds when they could no longer profit from dispensing fees.

Pharmacy costs in CA are growing rapidly however the pain management guidelines seem to have led to a flattening in the growth of the more potent opioids.

CWCI exec dir Alex Swedlow provided his usual excellent debunking of the false claims made by doc dispensing advocates, noting costs are higher and disability duration longer.

The net – doc dispensing research overwhelmingly indicates the practice adds no value and benefits no one but the profiteering docs and their enablers.



One thought on “The latest data on physician dispensing from WCRI”

  1. Joe :

    Great info Joe , thank you.
    We also found out in CA providers are offering medications ( Compound and Aerosol pain medications ) in addition to regular pain pills. This has caused major issues with high dependency and overdosing; not to mention over billing to payers and employers. These in office offerings are usually advertised as “no out of pocket fees”.
    These providers are getting 50% or more kick back form the pharmaceutical companies.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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