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Obamacare RFID chip – the best comments ever.

The second most popular post (6300+ readers )in the 8+ years of MCM was on Obamacare’s RFID chip – a fantasy of conspiracy nuts and the right-wing tinfoil hat crowd.


For those who don’t recall, these crazies believe anyone signing up for health insurance will be implanted with an RFID chip containing their medical and financial records. This is an intentional or ignorant mis-read of the PPACA’s Medical Device Registry language which calls for a database – NOT A CHIP – for tracking who’s got what stuck inside them.

Here are a few priceless comments…

  • Placing a chip, for any reason, within your body is the work of the devil. Devices can be tracked in other ways besides a chip. Just register the person’s information in the database. You don’t need a chip to do that..

  • Joe Palooka [naw, I’ve got no right hook] thinks we will believe him when he tells US that Obamacare isn’t planning on microchipping every one of US just like mutts in a kennel — he kisses NWObutt but it’s not going to do him any good WTSHTF
  • hey guys, I believe in the Lord. Don’t get the chip or else you won’t have eternal life with God. Please don’t use it and tag #savetheworld cause I’m against it. Please help! SAVE THE WORLD
  • I heard (actually not just heard but read on the “National Review’s” “Huffington Post” tribute section) that Joe Paduda is in fact a socialist, Nazi, fascist, communistic, capitalist, Keynesian, free-market, supply-sided, Reaganomic, Obamanomic, bipolar, schizophrenic, ADD/ADHD, hate-mongering compassionist. And frankly –from what I and that person who types their comments to Joe over a cup of morning coffee in their in their underwear know about Joe– that sounded about right to us … but what do we know.
  • the Illuminati is in control of all major world Governments and they don’t change any laws too fast that anyone can notice a big change happening, but they change it so little that we never mind it at all!  This RFID chip and the drafted laws are just perfectly a Illuminati proceeding
  • Do a little research its all true abd very sad it used to be subliminal now it all hidden in plain sight but amazingly enough 60%of the citizens still think everything is peachy who can see chemtrails and forced inauculations with their head always in the tv,cell phone, or computer wake sheeple befor it too late
  • i just wish i was in US i will have love it n perharps what it wrong of having i chip in forehead ? it just for u to get proper care n feel protected wherever u are in this world , so my brothers n sisters lets us support it Obama all the way

5 thoughts on “Obamacare RFID chip – the best comments ever.”

  1. “socialist, Nazi, fascist, communistic, capitalist, Keynesian, free-market, supply-sided, Reaganomic, Obamanomic, bipolar, schizophrenic, ADD/ADHD, hate-mongering compassionist.”

    That would take a HUGE wallet to be a card carrying member of all those groups.

  2. Joe, WHICH ONE are you? I’ve always wondered…
    socialist, Nazi, fascist, communistic, capitalist, Keynesian, free-market, supply-sided, Reaganomic, Obamanomic, bipolar, schizophrenic, ADD/ADHD, hate-mongering compassionist

  3. Joe, WHICH ONE are you? I’ve always wondered…
    socialist, Nazi, fascist, communistic, capitalist, Keynesian, free-market, supply-sided, Reaganomic, Obamanomic, bipolar, schizophrenic, ADD/ADHD, hate-mongering compassionist


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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

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