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Providers’ unmitigated gall

This morning’s workcompcentral arrived with the news that hospitals and device manufacturers somehow are arguing the huge overpayment for surgical devices in California is justified because of the “additional costs” of putting these devices in comp claimants.

Seems the California Hospital Association hired a consulting outfit to see just how much more costly it is to do surgery involving screws and cages and other hardware for people with occupational injuries than non-occupational ones.  And, stunningly, it’s waaaaaaay more expensive!

Yep, wrenching that back lifting a stack of drywall at work requires surgery that is, well, different/more complex/more involved/more time-consuming/more lucrative than lifting drywall at home when you’re re-doing the family room. The doctors, facilities, devices, tools, patients, support staff, all are identical – the only difference is who’s paying for the device – workers comp or Medicare.

The “disagreement” arises over a regulation proposed by DWC California that would set device reimbursement at 120% of Medicare.  That’s ALREADY higher than Medicare, but not enough for the profiteers.

Writing in this morning’s WCC, Greg Jones reported that hospitals and their allies said “additional allowances for devices used in certain spinal surgeries are not enough to make up for lost revenue from eliminating the spinal pass-through”.

No $%&*(.  It’s not supposed to.  

The “pass through” provision allowed these providers to “pass through” grossly inflated charges to workers comp payers.  There’s more to it than this – of course – but the net is this.

Once again workers comp is the trough.  As friend and colleague John Swan often reminds me, pigs get fat, and hogs get slaughtered.

2 thoughts on “Providers’ unmitigated gall”

  1. And therein lies the inherent flaws of a system like the BWC or VA. As a provider myself, it’s as simple as the more I do, the more I get paid. And if the treatment requested is denied, then it will most likely get approved through weeks of industrial hearings and attorney squabble.

    There has to be a top-down reform effort that focuses on the best interest of the patient. Kind of sounds familiar, huh?

  2. Joe, how is this any different then the PBM’s suplling data to drug companies to increase the use of useless name brand drugs, that increase big pharma profit 100 fold. Your statement that Workers Comp PBM’s don’t provide data to drug companies is false.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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