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Texas’ silent PPO legislation

As the biennial Texas legislative session nears its end, it looks like the legislature may pass a bill that would have a dramatic effect on workers comp PPO networks.
According to WorkCompCentral (subscription required):
“HB 223 would regulate “discount brokers” that are engaged in (for money or other consideration) “disclosing or transferring a contracted discounted fee of physician or health care provider.”
A broker could not transfer a physician’s or health care provider’s contracted discounted fee or any other contractual
obligation unless the transfer is authorized by a contractual agreement that complies with the provisions of the bill.
Those provisions include notifying each physician and provider of “the identity of the payers and discount brokers authorized to access a contracted discounted fee of the physician or provider.”
The notice must be provided at least every 45 days through “electronic mail, after provision by the affected physician or health care provider of a current electronic mail address” and posting of a list on a secure Internet website.”
Now that’s a huge change, one that would effectively stop much of the rental network business cold. The dirty secret of the work comp PPO business (well, one of the dirty secrets) is that networks don’t have direct contracts with providers in all states – every ‘national’ PPO uses another network’s contracts in at least a few jurisdictions.
Docs sign contracts in return for direction – they are trading a discount for the promise of more volume. Yet few networks actually drive any significant volume to the vast majority of their contracted physicians.
We’ve been seeing a rapid rise in the volume of litigation from providers contesting reduced reimbursement due to PPO contracts, with three payer clients reporting a significant upsurge in the last twelve months.
What does this mean for yuo?
Find a better, and more sustainable, way to reduce medical expense. The days of cutting costs by slashing provider reimbursement on the basis of some flimsy network contract are rapidly ending.

One thought on “Texas’ silent PPO legislation”

  1. All I can say after 20 years of this chicanery is that those who abused the system and common sense deserve the governmental regulation – and includes the workers’ compensation payers too.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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