Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda

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Issues vs. personalities

The presidential election looks like it is going to be a battle of personalities or issues. Bob Laszewski notes that the lipstick issue is a winning one for the GOP while the Democrats want to keep the election focused on ‘real’ issues – such as health care and the economy.
For now, it looks like the electorate is living in la la land – more concerned about appearances than reality.

6 thoughts on “Issues vs. personalities”

  1. “it looks like the electorate is living in la la land.”
    I used to read this blog for work related issues and then passed it on to my co-workers and others. Lately I have been informed by most of them to stop passing on Joe’s blog. One indicated that if she wanted this she would watch MSNBC. Another felt he was being preached at, while a loyal democrat, it would be his choice. Finally, a women I had begun passing on this blog to several months ago commented on the tone and felt Joe was sounding too right-wing. Yes, right-wing. Only Joe is right and all others are wrong.
    Kinda of Sad.

  2. I disagree Msmbc and all the other political hacks are saying basically the same thing, I heard it again this morning the guy who plays dirty will win the fight. The American people only want to see the fight and are willing to suffer the outcome because they can’t do anything about it!

  3. Joe,
    It’s your blog, so you can write whatever you want. I have appreciated a good deal of your posts in the past that kept me informed on industry issues/news, especially for P&C. But lately your blog has spiraled into a political rant in response to the mere prospect of Palin.

  4. Greg – thanks for the comment; I’ve heard this from a couple folks.
    A little background may be helpful – over the last three plus years MCM has evolved into a discussion of health policy, health care reform, managed care, insurance – health, property and casualty, and workers comp, and work comp managed care.
    MCM’s readership is similarly diverse, with some only interested in policy, others work comp, others with more broad interests.
    I post on topics of interest to me and those that are getting play in the media. The Palin work is my attempt to add dimension and color to a person with a relatively thin public record. I always support my opinion with citations. You, and others, can interpret these posts as rants. Others view them as providing expert opinion on a person of vital public interest.
    I’ll continue to post on the broader subjects listed above, but as the election comes closer it is highly likely there will be more election/political posts.
    And just as I will continue to voice my opinion, I will also back that up with citations and facts.

  5. How dare you have an opinion Joe. You should just pretend the health care industry exists in a vacuum, and is not in any way affected by politics or Washington.
    /end sarcasm
    Don’t let a small number of whiners censor you. The majority of us will continue to use your website for the amazing information you provide.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

