The scandal continues! The latest news is that Thomas Noe, he of the “I know, let’s buy $50 million in rare coins with workers’ comp reserves!” fame has been caught funneling illegal campaign contributions to several Ohio judicial candidates through a third party. (thanks to Work Comp Executive newsletter for this choice bit)
Noe, who is up to his eyeballs in other legal trouble (not only was he involved in the coin scandal, he also is accused of illegally contributing $45,400 to the Bush campaign), is accused of conspiring to contribute more than the legal limit to three candidates in Ohio.
And here we thought workers comp was boring (well, ok, so it’s only peripherally related…)
Meanwhile, the scandal has blocked efforts to convert Ohio’s monopolistic WC system to something more free-market. Recent testimony before the state legislature pointed out that it probably makes sense to hold off on any drastic moves until the mess gets cleared up.
Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda